Collinsville Area Recreation District Board of Commissioners
Learn about your Parks and Rec Representatives.
The Collinsville Area Recreation District (CARD) is governed by a board of five elected commissioners, serving six-year terms of office, without compensation, pursuant to the provisions of the Park District Code, Illinois Compiled Statutes, 70 ILCS 1205, 1992.
CARD is a municipal park district, created by state authority for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining and operating the parks and activities therein. It is separate and distinct from the city, village, county, or any other municipal taxing body.
A park district is purely a creation of the legislature and has no inherent powers other than those that have been granted by the legislature and those implied powers to give effect to the powers specifically granted.
CARD Board of Commissioners accepts mandatory laws of the State of Illinois and also determines the degree of acceptance of permissive legislation. It makes its own rules within the framework of its delegated powers and is subject only to the will of the people and the state park district authority as provided by law. It is empowered to exercise all the delegated authority it deems essential to be a successful operation of the parks and recreation program.
CARD Board of Commissioners is considered the local legislative body to which is entrusted by law the responsibility for planning, executing, and appraising the District's park and recreation program. It is the duty of the Board to approve, by majority vote, basic policy for the operation, control, improvement and planning, future and present, of park and recreation facilities within the District.
CARD's administrative offices are located at 10 Gateway Drive, Collinsville, Illinois.
The Board holds its regular public meetings at 6:30pm on the third Tuesday of the month at the CARD administrative office.
Freedom of Information Act information and how to file a request for the Collinsville Area Recreation District.
Brad Sewell
(expires 2021)
Current Members
Ron Jedda
(expires 2019)
Jeanne Lomax
(expires 2021)
Aaron Wright
(expires 2021)